Filmplakat von Shahid


84 min | Drama, Historie | FSK 12
Szene %1 aus %Shahid
Director Narges Shahid Kalhor no longer wants to be called 'Shahid' (martyr) as her surname and casts an actress as herself, who is supposed to set about changing the family name. All of a sudden, her bizarre great-grandfather appears. A man who was declared a martyr in Iran after his heroic death a hundred years ago and thus bequeathed to his descendants the honorific 'Shahid'. He seeks to prevent his great-granddaughter from going through with her plan. The temporal layers blend into each other and a nerve-racking quarrel arises between the director and her actress. While the format of the film shifts between reality, fiction, theatre and musical, everyone's plans come to naught: The director founders on the obstacles of bureaucracy, the actress on the director's demands, the great-grandfather on the descendant's stubborn will, and finally the film itself on its own premise. In the process, the film questions all kinds of radical ideologies - while not taking itself all too seriously either. SHAHID is a personal film about the balancing act between coming to terms with the past, with the present, and with one's own self.


Quadroscope Stadtkino Burghausen
Quadroscope Stadtkino Burghausen
Marktler Straße 17
84489 Burghausen, Salzach
Leopoldstraße 78
80802 München
Liliom Augsburg
Liliom Augsburg
Unterer Graben 1
86152 Augsburg
Sinema Transtopia Berlin
Sinema Transtopia Berlin
Lindowerstr 21/22 (Haus C)
10178 Berlin
Königstraße 93
90402 Nürnberg
Kino Breitwand im Schloß Seefeld
Schloßhof 7
82229 Seefeld, Oberbayern
Kino Breitwand Gauting
Bahnhofsplatz 2
82131 Gauting